Monday, March 23, 2009

The world's luckiest stadium

My cousin and her husband have recently bought themselves a boat that is big enough to take a few guests on board. I am sure that they must have suddenly become very popular and that new friends now pop out of the water like seals.

Ha, well I’m lucky enough to be family and on the day that we choose to go out there is no wind in Cape Town. If you know the South Easter in summer, you’ll know what a big difference a quiet day makes. I’m especially happy about this because I easily get sea sick - but of course I also don’t like to miss out.

As soon as we get out onto the water I get my first glimpse of the World Cup Soccer stadium for 2010. This landmark should feel proud of its location. It sits well with a backdrop of Table Mountain and the signature hills that surround it.

In close proximity of where Beckham will bend it next year, a sun fish is soaking up the morning heat, penguins are frolicking in the sea water and seals are sunning themselves. We enjoy the sights over a chicken and onion marmalade sandwich, fresh fruit juice and muffins.

From here Clifton 4th beach looks a lot more down to earth than the trendy spot that it has become. Michelle mentions that Cape Town is one of the most sparsely populated cities in the world and looking in from the outside I don’t see as many houses as there seems to be.

Hopefully the soccer lovers will take the time to discover the unique fauna and flora of the area in between all their crazy antics next year. And make sure that the fresh fish they buy from the markets or award-winning restaurants are not on the endangered list.

One thing is for sure, those who visit Cape Town will not find it easy to leave. Maybe Victoria will finally open a store in this city or at least have a fashion show on a boat within view of the stadium.

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