is a very beautiful city, but I could have never dreamed how many magical
places are merely a reasonable train ride away. We made a quick stop at
Regensburg on our way to visit Weltenberg Kloster and I am definitely planning
to return and explore this city of tall medieval buildings and narrow
lanes further.
The centre of Regensberg escaped the World War II bombings of
1943 and 1945 and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2006. It apparently
has a fantastic Christmas market and I have already marked a December visit on
my mental calendar.
Something about the Gothic style Regensburg Cathedral spires reminds
me of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.
The towers are home to the acclaimed Regensburg
cathedral sparrows (Domspatzen),
which sing along during the services. A legend tells how the
cathedral builder and the Regensburg Stone Bridge builder had made a bet on who would finish
first. The bridge builder then made a pact with the Devil that he could have
the first three souls to cross the bridge if he would help him win. The Devil honoured
his promise and the bridge builder cunningly sent a cat, a dog and a chicken to
cross first.
During the 12th century the famous Stone Bridge
became the largest vaulted bridge of its kind in the world. It opened the trade
routes between Nothern Europe and Venice, making
Regensburg a
major trade city and creating wealth for its people. During the 2nd and
3rd crusade, this was the only place where the knights could cross the
Danube on their way to the Holy Land. Today it’s
my turn to walk through the ancient city gate and cross the cobbled bridge on
my way to one of the many bars on the riversides and squares. With a reputation
as having one of the highest amounts of pubs per square metre, this historical
city is certainly not a quiet one.
These cobbled streets are full of mystique. Settlements in the Regensburg
area date right back to the Stone Age so it would be fair to say that the city
holds more than 2000 years of history. One of my favourite things about Europe is the feeling of breathing in a universal sort of wisdom just by sharing the same setting as centuries' worth of terrible and wonderful stories.
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